Your 12 Minute Inspo Today: Watch This TedTalk or Just Read My SparkNotes
The Magic of Not Giving a Fuck
Sadie’s SparkNotes:
Your Fucks = Time + Energy + Money
The things you do care about? Make a Fuck Budget: Time + Energy + Money
The “Not Sorry Method”
2 Steps:
Decide what you don’t give a fuck about.
Don’t give a fuck about those things.
Decide what brings you joy and allocate your fuck bucks accordingly. Just say no to things you don’t want to do in a timely, polite, and honest manner. You don’t have to be sorry about it. Make a list of all the impositions, tasks, obligations, and other fucks you are being asked to give. Look at the list and decide what annoys you because they are non-essential commitments of time + energy + money that you do not have to care about.
Cross them off your list with a big black marker (FUCK THIS)
This is how you stop spending time you don’t have, with people you don’t like, doing things you don’t want to do.
All acceptable responses in a timely manner:
“No, thank you.”
“I don’t have time.”
“I can’t afford it.”
“I don’t want to.”
Learn how to say no, set boundaries, and give fewer, better fucks so that you can have more time for all the things you do care about and give you joy.
I really need to do this because what she says about doing things because you feel guilty saying no is me. I get myself so worked up as if me saying no to something is a life or death situation. It’s ridiculous!
Thank you for sharing, Sadie 🖤✨
Yes!! I love to say no anymore. I try to teach every woman I know how to say no, we have such trouble with doing that!!