Needed this one today 🫣

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well, then this was for you. (hugs)

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This is wild, you just showed us mirror. We all are running after validation from others.

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sad but true.

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Thank you. I'm working hard and producing from my heart, and yet sometimes it gets overwhelming. You have a knack for saying the right thing when I need to hear it, and you don't know me at all. That's the power of words. So again, thank you.

Now, I'm going back to work.

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“Oww...fuck that hurt” as the arrow of realization drills into my solar plexus.

Thanks Mom!

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The right words at the right time. Thanks, Mom!

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Yes to all of this. I had to do exactly this to finish my book and it was worth it. Great newsletter!

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Such an inspiring post! Thank you for sharing this, I needed it. And thanks to Ethan Hawke as well. I've been sucked in by social media lately and need to refocus. Your post has helped me figure that out.

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Hella great post!

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You're right. Writers should be judged on their actual work and nothing else. The same could easily be said for criticism of visual media that really has nothing to do with said media.

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This was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you! Connecting your interior world to the world at large can be rewarding, but it also brings so much noise and distraction that it gets hard to hear and protect that inner vision and voice.

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Talent is a godsend, and hard work is a skill to be mastered. Yes, we must always give priority to what animates our soul, thanks to our most developed talents and our invincible desire to improve ourselves on other points.

Indeed, all our days are filled with "attention stealers", who more or less try to take us away from our daily goals, and it's clear that social media is in first place far ahead.

It is also very true that personal value is always expressed through conscientious and hard work, because what matters most to us is always felt through the object of our creation, writings, audios, videos, drawings , etc...

“If you're feeling inspired, write. If you’re uninspired, read.”... This sentence is so true !!

Sincearly ❤️😃 😄 😁

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"The minute we give preferential treatment to distractions like social media in order to fulfill some sort of need for attention or validation, we have traded the concrete power of our creativity for the flimsy, fickle, unsatisfying love of others." Well said.

I deleted FB and IG years ago. Time is precious, and I wouldn't have written that latest Invasion of the Tooth Worms flash fiction if I'd hung out on social media all the time. Back to writing!

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So true, thankyou for such inspiration

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Great post Sadie. It’s so easy to get lost in social media, for fear of missing out our socializing, trying to grow a network (which is important but...) is there’s no work being done, everything else is air.

Also, falling in love with the creation. Writing it’s actually fun when I remind myself to have fun and forget the world 😄

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