Photo of how it started…

My Patreon subscribers get some of my book reviews first. This Monday, I reviewed, GRAVEYARD OF LOST CHILDREN by Katrina Monroe which was released on the 9th. I just posted it on Goodreads this morning. Later that morning, I sat down with Lisa & Mel for their podcast Monster, She Wrote the interview will air soon. They asked insightful questions that I even reflected on later, after the show.
Tuesday the 8th was a new release day so we celebrated book birthdays on my Patreon and I gave them a shoutout on Twitter. I used to also share the new release graphic on #bookstagram and unpack it there but now I reserve this book discussion for Patreon. Some of the promotion & recommendations I do is labor-intensive. I want to value my time & energy more.
A couple days ago, I did this mini-review on #bookstagram and I love the comments. Sometimes people ask me why I do what I do. Why all the reviews, the recommendations, the bookstagram account, the ‘busyness’ surrounding horror books and the answer is in the feedback. Getting the right book in the right reader’s hands. It’s everything.
Tuesday was our Night Worms packing day. We packed our May 2023 packages and shipped those out. I wonder if you can guess the two books we included just by looking at the theme graphic:
I wish I could tell you how tired I am after packing day every month. It’s this deep-in-my-bones exhaustion. The hardest part is after we’re finished and I help the mail carrier load all of these bins into the USPS van. It’s like 1,000 trips from my garage, up the incline of my driveway to the curb:
It’s also just extremely satisfying to own your own business and feel that sense of accomplishment and fulfillment at the end of the day, so…it all balances out.
Wednesday I unpacked my AAPI recommendations on Patreon. I have reviewed every, single one of these books except the last one because I can’t find it on my bookshelves. I purchased the chapbook and then apparently hid it from myself somewhere…
Wednesday night I hosted a LIVE announcement on the Night Worms YouTube for Cemetery Dance & Jonathan Janz. You can watch that playback HERE
Yesterday, I interviewed author, David Sodergren about self publishing. I’m excited to share with everyone and continue on this quest to learn more about publishing by just listening to people’s real experiences. My Patrons will get the first crack at it but then I will drop it on the Night Worms YouTube
That evening, I was on an HWA Stoker Con panel with some amazing people talking about short fiction, anthologies, and novellas. This panel will be featured in the virtual. con scheduling during the event next month.
Lastly, our car was broken into Thursday night. They broke the back passenger window and then tried to steal the car. They ripped apart the casing around the steering column and fucked around with the ignition. They were unsuccessful, obviously, the car was still in our driveway when we woke up but it rattled me…made me feel vulnerable. I’m also really pissed off. This weekend, we will be amping up security around the house and I’ll be sitting on my front porch every night like this:
Have a great weekend mutha fuckahs.
Oh my gosh, Sadie, I'm so sorry to hear about your car being broken into! How scary. I hope the new security stuff helps and that nothing like this happens again! Do they have any idea who they're fucking with?! đŸ‘€ FAFO... lmao!
Such a busy bee! I love it when people show the guts of their businesses. It's great to see how committed people are with their horror. You're inspirational, Sadie! đŸ–¤